Professional 100KHZ LCR Meter Lutron LCR-9184
Lutron LCR-9184 Professional LCR Meter capable of test Frequency up to 100KHZ and with FSR parameters.
Multifunctional Insulation Tester UNI-T UT526
UNI-T UT526 multifunctional Insulation Tester for Electrical Engineer looking for basic Insulation & RCD in one Instrument.
Insulation Tester SANWA DM508S
SANWA DM508S Analog Insuation Tester is a portable and capable of testing 500V / 1000M ohm.
Insulation Tester Kyoritsu 3165
Kyoritsu 3165 Analog Insulation Tester is a simple 1000V/2000M ohm testing capabilities.
Insulation/Multi-function Kyoritsu 6010A
Kyoritsu 6010A Multi-function Insulation Tester capable of performing test on Continuity, Insulation, Loop Impedance and RCD.
High Voltage Insulation Tester Kyoritsu 3123A
Kyoritsu 3123A is a High Voltage Analog Insulation for testing of 5,000 and 10,000 Volts.
High Voltage Insulation Tester SEW 2804IN
SEW 2804IN Digital High Voltage Insulation Tester capable of performing test on 1kV, 2.5kV, 5kV and 10kV.
Insulation Tester Kyoritsu 3166
Kyoritsu 3166 Analog Insulation Tester is a simple 1000V/2000M ohm testing capabilities.
Insulation Tester SEW 1131IN
SEW 1131IN Analog Insulation Tester is portable and capable of testing voltage of 250, 500 and 1000 Volts.
Insulation Tester SEW 1160IN
SEW 1160IN Digital Insulation Tester is portable and capable of testing voltage of 250, 500 and 1000 Volts.
Insulation Tester Victor 60B+
Victor 60B+ Digital Insulation Tester despite its low cost but capable of testing voltage of 250, 500 and 1000 Volts.
Infrared Thermometer UNI-T UT30R
UNI-T UT30R Fore Head Thermometer is the popular model to monitor & reading of Temperature especially during Covid-19.
ForeHead IR Thermometer Lutron TM-966A
Lutron TM-966A is a Precision, 0.1 degree resolution ForeHead IR Thermometer.
Infrared Thermometer 1650°C Benetech GM1650
Benetech GM1650 Infrared Thermometer (200~1650°C) is widely used in steel casting, furnance temp & glass industry.
Infrared Thermometer 900°C Benetech GM900
Benetech GM900 Infrared Thermometer is capable of measure temp -50 to 900°C.
Infrared Thermometer 650°C Lutron TM-949
Lutron TM-949 Infrared Thermometer is capable of measure & record a temp range of -20 to 650°C
Infrared Thermometer 550°C CHY 110
CHY 110 Infrared Thermometer is capable of measure temp -30 to 550°C & provided with a dust-cover.
Ground Fault Locator ARMADA Pro GFL3000
ARMADA Pro GFL3000C Ground Fault Locator use by Electrical Contractors to locate buried Ground Faults.
DC/AC Magnetic Meter Lutron PMG-302
Lutron PMG-302 is a Pen type economic model capable of measure AC/DC magnetic field.